Quick handout overview of TLAER and large animal rescue suitable to make into a handout :https://www.animalsheltering.org/sites/default/files/horses-101-gimenez-rebecca-2.pdf
Overview of TLAER and large animal rescue methods (AAEP PUBLICATION) : http://www.ivis.org/proceedings/aaep/2002/910102000276.PDF
NFPA 150 Fire and Life Safety in Animal Housing Facilities: http://www.nfpa.org/codes-and-standards/all-codes-and-standards/list-of-codes-and-standards?mode=code&code=150
and NFPA 1670 (CHAPTER 9) Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents: http://www.nfpa.org/codes-and-standards/all-codes-and-standards/list-of-codes-and-standards?mode=code&code=1670 NFPA.org is a generally helpful site for folks to peruse – lots of educational materials available to the public. All the codes & standards are available to view online without cost at nfpa.org – you just need to jump through a few hoops.
INTRODUCTION TO TLAER at http://www.horsenation.com/2015/04/03/friday-standing-ovation-technical-large-animal-emergency-rescue/ This is a SUPER story about TLAER and what it is - and what it ISN'T.
Barn Fire Safety Prevention then Response (AAEP PUBLICATION): https://www.academia.edu/18599726/How_to_Configure_an_Equine_Facility_to_Prevent_and_Better_Respond_to_Barn_Fires
Barn Fire Prevention and Response (AAEP PUBLICATION): http://www.equineguelph.ca/pdf/tools/fire_safety/2008%20AAEP%20Barn%20Fire.pdf
“Non Commercial Transport of Horses - Recommendations for Standards” Talking about trailering issues and need for standards – this Creiger/Gimenez publication is online and shows some of the GOOD and BAD examples of horse trailer manufacture… https://www.academia.edu/18507742/Non-Commercial_Horse_Transport_The_need_for_standards or http://www.naturalhorsetrim.com/Non_Commercial_Horse_Transport_FINISv1.pdf
HORSE TRAILER RIG info Horse Trailer Rig as a SYSTEM – safety, maintenance, purchase decisions, matching the towing vehicle, etc. (PERDUE University PUBLICATION): https://ppp.purdue.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/PPP-114.pdf
Euthanasia downloads (IOWA STATE PUBLICATION) and Dr. Jan Shearer: WALLET SIZE, POSTER SIZE, AND BROCHURES TO EDUCATE YOUR STAFF AND COLLEAGUES: https://vetmed.iastate.edu/vdpam/about/production-animal-medicine/dairy/dairy-extension/humane-euthanasia/euthanasia-downloads
Iowa State Humane Euthanasia information and download cards are here: https://vetmed.iastate.edu/vdpam/about/production-animal-medicine/dairy/dairy-extension/humane-euthanasia
While reading about death – I recommend “Stiff, The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers”, by Mary Roach: https://www.pdfdrive.com/stiff-the-curious-lives-of-human-cadavers-mary-roach-e58843613.html
Euthanasia standards (AVMA PUBLICATION): https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf
Links to the BEST PRACTICES documents ALL working groups and information from NASAAEP: http://www.cfsph.iastate.edu/Emergency-Response/bpwg.php
Accidental Hypothermia (Dr. Tomas Gimenez author):
Explore the topic of Evacuating versus Sheltering In Place. Here’s a FEMA link: https://www.fema.gov/faq-details/Evacuating-v-Shelter-in-place-1370032121004
INTRO TO TLAER 1 HOUR PRESENTATION you can share with others - https://www.saveyourhorse.com/SLIDES%20for%20TLAER%20Intro.pdf
ANIMAL TECHNICAL RESCUE AWARENESS LEVEL – CALIFORNIA FIRE MARSHALL https://osfm.fire.ca.gov/training/pdf/manuals_guides/ATRA-CoursePlan.pdf
Collaboration between Extension and Industry on TLAER courses - https://joe.org/joe/2016february/rb4.php
Australian perspectives on TLAER – Riley, Thompson, Leighton - Helping hands, hurting hooves: towards a multidisciplinary paradigm of large animal rescue https://ajem.infoservices.com.au/items/AJEM-30-02-12
RESPONDER EXPERIENCES WITH LARGE ANIMAL RESCUE – Smith Taylor and Thompson Australia - https://research-management.mq.edu.au/ws/portalfiles/portal/62280695/Publisher+version+%28open+access%29.pdf
Ian Dacre - Animal Welfare and the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) https://www.livestock-emergency.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/LEGS-and-Animal-Welfare-Briefing-Paper.pdf
Learn more about the Henneke Body Condition Scoring System. Here’s one link: https://www.habitatforhorses.org/the-henneke-body-condition-scoring-system/
For those that handle wild or unhandled horses, check out Willis Lamm’s Wild Horse Mentors group: http://www.whmentors.org/ He DOES this EVERY DAY for DECADES and is a true SME on the subject.
American Association of Equine Veterinary Technicians (Equine Vet Techs – this is YOUR org.):
WASART Managing the head of the prone horse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feFI8iTrqVs
WASART Emergency halter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9FqK_oHMaE
WASART General strop techniques http://www.washingtonsart.org/docs/resources/RescueStrapApplication.pdf
Look up the Horse Grimace PAIN SCALE – this is the SCIENCE article original - https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0092281
The Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare:
FREEDOM FROM HUNGER AND THIRST. by ready access to fresh water and diet to maintain health and vigor.
FREEDOM FROM DISCOMFORT. by providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area.
Understanding Panic Behaviors – in HUMANS - The Station Fire Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnul_HDvXMM A shorter version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bknYdprA9ug
Article from recent – with a ton of links to various educational articles I have done….I call it HOMEWORK FOR HORSE OWNERS: https://besthorsepractices.com/emergency-homework-for-horse-owners/
I did a blog for several years for THE HORSE – this is a list of every article I have done for them since 2006…. from wildfire to trailers to swimming with your horse…. conference proceedings, etc. This publication is THE ONE that I recommend to horse owners – because AAEP veterinarians read it too. https://thehorse.com/1author/rebecca-gimenez-phd/
If someone wants to share with others a little video about what a TLAER class is like and why it is important – they can share this from the Australia Large Animal Rescue conference in 2013… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VagmZHzSrHk and this one is about livestock transport – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4OHjLZHyjY
Colleague Jim Green videos on MULTIAGENCY RESPONSE TO LARGE ANIMAL INCIDENTS - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB68WcnCbiQ and MAKING LARGE ANIMAL RESCUE SAFER - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7J1Umo8c2k from the UK.
Robin Ridgeway is the one with the great HORSE TRAILER RIG – understanding it – a publication online – these are FREE to download https://ppp.purdue.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/PPP-114.pdf and https://ppp.purdue.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/PPP-92.pdf and if you want to buy them – glossy and NICELY done – then they are like $5.50 each to get them printed – seehttps://ppp.purdue.edu/resources/ppp-publications/ if you ever have a TRAILER SAFETY COURSE focusing just on that – you should make sure that EVERY ONE of the attendees get one of these. In fact – you can probably order them for your saddle club, etc. and sell them for an extra couple bucks to cover your costs – they are REALLY good.
There is a free online very basic course from one of my colleagues in Australia to introduce basic TLAER ideas at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdUd5x2jmU8zNTXB8xME5WAsc3tTm5rROweGXNTkPqLd4fR9Q/viewform and you get a certificate!
I encourage barn owners & managers or those who board horse(s), to spend 10 minutes doing a self-assessment with the fire prevention interactives for Inside and Outside your Barn at: http://equineguelph.ca/Tools/fireprevention.php
TRIAGE OF LARGE ANIMALS IN DISASTERS - http://c0.horsesa.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Triage-of-large-animals-in-disastersAdelaide2013Pub.pdf Dr. Chris Riley
BARN FIRES - "Fire Safety in Horse Stables" by Penn State and http://www.equisearch.com/horses_care/barn-fire-2/ by EquiSearch Elaine Pascoe
Nicker News- Moving euthanized or deceased equine
Animals in Emergencies - An Owners Guide
Information for Livestock Owners
THE ONLY TEXTBOOK ON "TECHNICAL LARGE ANIMAL EMERGENCY RESCUE" written by GIMENEZ, GIMENEZ and MAY - available online booksellers or visit http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0813819989.html

"Manual of Equine Emergencies" by J.A. Orsini and T.J. Divers, Editors. 2nd, 3rd and 4th ed. 2014, W.B. Saunders https://evolve.elsevier.com/cs/product/9781455708925?role=student (yes - there
is an entire chapter in this about TLAER emergencies...)
Ed Robinson Editor - Current Therapy in Equine Medicine (2014) new 7th Edition https://evolve.elsevier.com/cs/product/9781455745555?role=student
(with a chapter about Transportation Incident Response for Veterinarians)
"Animal Rescue in Flood and Swiftwater Incidents" by Slim Ray
"Equine Veterinary Nursing Manual" Edited by Karen Coumbe
"The Equine Ethogram Ð a Field Guide to Horse Behavior" by Sue McDonnell
"Animal Management in Disasters" and "Rescuing Rover: A First Aid and Disaster Guide for Dog Owners" by Sebastian Heath
"Natural Horsemanship" by Pat Parelli
"Restraint and Handling of Wild and Domestic Animals" by Murray Fowler
"Save Your Horse"- by Michelle Staples (featuring TLAER's Ariel Painted Pants in Becker Sling on the cover)
"Horses of the Storm"- by Ky Mortensen, The story of the horses rescued from Hurricane Katrina
"Molly the Pony" - by Pam Kaster
MAGAZINE - Advanced Rescue Technology
MAGAZINE - Firehouse http://www.firehouse.com/ 
MAGAZINE - The Horse http://www.thehorse.com/ IF YOU ONLY GET ONE MAGAINE FOR HORSE HEALTH - this is the one to get. 
Winter Storm Emergency Kit - This visual guide, and the article that accompanies it, outlines how to prepare for one of winter’s most common problems: power outages. A winter storm kit can keep your family safe and warm and keep an inconvenience from turning into a true emergency.
Home Winterization Checklist - Many people think of home weatherization as a complicated, expensive task. In actuality, just taking the easy, DIY steps outlined in this visual guide will keep your home protected from the weather and probably save you some money on your electric bills as well.
What’s Your Winter Weather Scenario? - Whether you’re expecting freezing temperatures, winter weather, or strong winds, this flow chart helps you figure out what damage your home might suffer -- and what steps you can take to prevent it.
Winter Weather Flood Risks - Most people don’t think of floods as a winter emergency, but melting snow and frozen soil can easily cause the water to rise outside and inside your home. Follow the tips in this graphic to reduce your chances of experiencing a disaster.
Winter Car Emergency Kit Checklist - From hazardous driving conditions to freezing temperatures, winter is a tough time of year for drivers and their vehicles. This printable checklist tells you what to pack in your trunk so you’ll be prepared for car trouble, an accident, or any other emergency.